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Q: Which allows plants to take in CO2 and expel excess O2 through the leaves?
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Does plants lose excess water through the roots?

Most of the plants loose excess waters through the stem or their leaves

How do plants remove their waste through their leaves?

Plants can get rid of excess water by transpiration from their leaves. Carbon dioxide in plants is released during respiration gets utilized during photosynthesis. Oxygenexits through stomata, root cell walls, and other routes.

How can we prove that plants throw excess water from their leaves?


Why do plants need leavs?

The leaves allow the plant to absorb sunlight and use it to make food (Photosynthesis) as well as allowing it to release excess moisture through pores in the leaves.

What allows water to flow into roots of plants?

Water evaporates from the leaves of plants, a process known as transpiration. This prompts the plant to uptake water through its root system through osmosis.

Where do plants have holes called stomata- which allow excess water to escape?


Why did the modification of leaves into spines happened?

The process of removal of excess water from the plants.

How do plants breathe?

They breathe through the stomata and other pigments.Plants have these tiny holes on the underside of the leaves that allows them to absorb co2 and produce O

Where on the leaves do plants respirate through?

Plants breathe through small holes in their leaves. Unlike us they do not breathe through lungs.

What is the process called that allows gases in and out of plants?

Gases enter plants through the Stomata, microscopic mouth like structures on the bottoms of leaves, for the purpose of inhaling CO2 for Photorespiration.

what are the two main functions of a leaf?

(1) The leaves make food for the plant by photosynthesis. (2) The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant through transpiration. (3) The leaves carry out the process of respiration in plants. The leaves make food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis.

The exchange of gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen between the plant and the atmosphere?

is called respiration. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen through small openings called stomata in their leaves. This process is vital for the plant's survival as it allows them to obtain the carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis and release excess oxygen as a byproduct.