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The 18th Amendment outlawed the production and distribution of alchol.

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Q: Which amendment outlawed the production and distribution of alcohol?
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Which amendment outlawed alcohol?

The Eighteenth Amendment outlawed alcohol in the United States.

Amendment 18 outlawed the sale of and use of alcohol this amendment was called?


Which amendment legalized alcohol?

the 18th amendment outlawed it, then the 21st legalized it again.

What was the result of the 18Th amendment?

It outlawed the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The 21st Amendment was ratified Dec. 5, 1933. It replaced the 18th Amendment, which was passed 14 years earler. Without the 21st Amendment, alchol would be outlawed.

What constitutional amendment repealed the one that outlawed alcohol?

its like the 20. i think.

What 1920's rule outlawed the sales of alcohol?

The 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution

What did the temperance movement lead to?

A constitutional amendment that outlawed the production and sale of alcohol.increased organized crime. people were still drinking but illegally.

The repeal of Prohibition through ratification of the 21st Amendment was unusual in that ratification in that instance was?

The repeal of the 21st amendment was unusual because it repealed a previous amendment. The 21st amendment voided the 18th amendment which outlawed alcohol.

What were some results of the 18th amendment?

By criminalizing production and distribution of alcohol, the amendment increased the demand for illegal alcohol, and ultimately overwhelmed the courts with this surge in the crime rate. Eventually, prohibition led to an increase in organized crime and police corruption.

How are amendments 18 ad 21 in the constitution related?

Amendment 18 outlawed alcohol, while 21 made it legal again.

What did the 18th admendment do?

The 18th amendment prohibited the sale, transport, export, import, or manufacture of alcoholic beverages. It is known as the prohibition amendment. It was later repealed by the 21st amendment.

What was the only amendment to be canceled by another amendment?

The 18th amendment to the US Constitution instituted prohibition of alcohol sales and production in January 1919. In December of 1933 the 21st amendment cancelled the 18th amendment by stipulating that individual states should regulate alcohol.