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The Velasco [L-11] anchor in Spain's Philippe Cousteau Anchor Museum [Museu de Anclas Philippe Cousteau] belonged to a ship that participated in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Velasco was originally named USS LST-1156 and became known as USS Terrebonne Parish [LST-1156]. LST-1156 was commissioned on November 21, 1962 and was involved in 9 deployments from 1952 to 1971. From October to December 1962 LST-1156 operated with the Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Force in the United States of America's naval blockade of Cuba.

To see the Velasco anchor at the Philippe Cousteau Anchor Museum, please visit the link provided below.

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Q: Which anchor in Spain's Museo de Anclas Philippe Cousteau which also is known as the Philippe Cousteau Anchor Museum belonged to a ship that participated in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962?
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