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The Ancient Egyptians created a 24 consonant alphabet by 2700 BCE.

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Q: Which ancient Middle Eastern people create the first alphabet?
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Who and when did they developed the alphabet?

The ancient Phoenicians developed 30 signs to create the Semitic alphabet in 1600 BC. This alphabet is considered to be the foundation of almost all alphabets that would follow. The Greeks developed their own version of this alphabet in 1000 BC to create the Ionic alphabet. Later, the Romans adapted this to form their alphabet. This alphabet reached England in the 5th century. Almost 100 other languages were ultimately developed from the Roman alphabet.

Who invented the violin not who was the first maker?

Nobody really invented the violin. It originated from ancient Middle Eastern instruments that evolved as it traveled to Europe. The first person to create today's style of violin was Antonius Stradivarius.

Who create the alphabet?

The history of the alphabet started in ancient Egypt. By 2700 BCE Egyptian writing had a set of some 24 hieroglyphs which are called uniliterals, to represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language.

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What was the name of the people that created the true alphabet?

the Arabic people were the first to create the alphabet.

What best describes Rome's contribution to the Greek alphabet?

They modified the Greek alphabet to create the alphabet that is widely used today

What year did they create the Greek alphabet?


Where did the Phoenicians create the alphabet?

In Syria-Lebanon.

Who orignally started the alphabet?

While the Egyptians were the first to create a written language, it was the Greeks who invented the first alphabet.

Why did the Greeks create an alphabet?

Actually they got it from the Phoinicians and adapted it.

The ancient Egyptians were the first ones to create the?

Ancient Egyptians were first to create beer.

Why is there additional letters in the alphabet?

To level up our alphabet itself for us to create more easy words using those new letters in our alphabet. anable the reader to pronounce the words and spell it correctly.