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lion, it sleeps 20-22 hours a day

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Q: Which animal is lazy tiger or lion?
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What is the most dangres a tiger or lion?

The tiger is more dangerous, as the lion is very lazy animal.

Who is the strongest animal lion or tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

What is zac efrons favorite animal?

liger half tiger half lionZac Efron's favorite animal is the ligers (its the lion and the tiger mix-breed)

What is the animal of love?

Lion or tiger. But I am pretty sure it it the lion.

What was the national animal of India before the tiger?

Lion was the national animal of India before Tiger. Lion is also known as the KING OF FORESTS.Till 1973, Lion was the national animal of India. In April 1973, Project Tiger was started to save the tigers in India. As a consequence, in 1973, the Bengal Tiger was made the national animal of India.

What is the fastest animal lion or tiger?

A lion is faster and can run 50mph whereas a tiger can run 35mph

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Why is tiger the national animal?

In India Most people think the tiger is a god so they treasure it like one.

What is an animal called when the mother is a lion and the father is a tiger?

A tigon. A male lion and female tiger produces a liger.

Why was the national animal of India changed from lion to tiger?

Until 1973, the Lion was the national animal of India. In April 1973, Project Tiger was started to save the tigers in India. As a consequence, in 1973, the Bengal Tiger was made the national animal of India.

Why did tiger become the national animal of India?

because at that time the proportion of tiger is less than the lion and the tiger was becoming a missing animal hence they were indicated as the national animal.

What is a large animal that likes to hunt?

Lion, Tiger, Human