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Q: Which appeal did Kennedy not use to evoke pathos in his audience during his inaugural address?
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How does president johnF Kennedy appeal to Americans' sense of patriotism in his inaugural address?

He reminds them that the United States has a long tradition of fighting for freedom at home and around the world.

Is pathos an appeal to logic?

No. Pathos is an appeal to the audience's emotions. Logos is an appeal to the audience's logic and ethos is an appeal to the speaker's character ie. how trustworthy and/or credible they are to be speaking about the idea.

Should a speaker used to appeal to the five senses of the audience?

The author should use descriptive language to appeal to the five senses of the audience.

What should a speaker use to appeal to the five senses of the audience?

The author should use descriptive language to appeal to the five senses of the audience.

Why did Kennedy have such an appeal to many Americans?


What is a persuasive device?

appeal to the audience's emotions

What appeals to the audience's emotions?

If you are on a stage, the acting appeals to the audience. The emotions and the feelings appeal to them.

Best way for a speaker to appeal to an audience And why?

The best way for a speaker to appeal to an audience is by being authentic, engaging, and relevant. Authenticity helps build trust and connection with the audience, engaging presentation techniques keep the audience interested and attentive, and relevance ensures that the audience sees the value in the message being delivered. By combining these elements, a speaker can effectively appeal to their audience and make a lasting impact.

What is a emotional appeal?

A technique that appeals to fear, anger, or joy to sway the audience.

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An audience appeal-APEX-