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An appeal that focuses on the candidate's qualifications, track record, and specific plans for addressing important issues is usually the most effective. Emphasizing the candidate's credibility, experience, and ability to bring about positive change can help sway voters. Personal stories or testimonials from people who have been positively impacted by the candidate's work can also be compelling.

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Q: Which appeal would be most effective for convincing people to vote for a specific person?
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What of king's arguments do you think were the most convincing for them?

The king's arguments that emphasized the need for nonviolent resistance, the moral duty to fight against injustice, and the power of love and unity to bring about social change were some of the most convincing. Additionally, his appeals to the principles of equality, justice, and the inherent worth of all individuals resonated deeply with many people.

What is appeal to patriotism?

Appeal to patriotism is a persuasive technique in which someone uses emotions related to love, pride, or loyalty to one's country to influence others' beliefs or actions. It relies on the idea that people may feel compelled to support something based on their national identity or allegiance.

Who is a suitable target?

A suitable target would depend on your specific goals and objectives. It could be a demographic group that aligns with your product or service, individuals with a particular interest or need, or a specific market segment that you want to reach with your message. Identifying a suitable target audience is essential for effective marketing and communication strategies.

What do Red paint people and blue hill bay have in common?

They are both examples of proper nouns used to name specific entities or locations. "Red paint people" refers to a specific group or community, while "Blue Hill Bay" refers to a specific geographical location.

Which famous people failed 6th grade?

There is no verifiable information on specific famous people who failed 6th grade.

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What are two things that make an effective speaker?

Conviction of what you're saying = Knowing what your saying with great understanding and you believe what you're saying is convincing Confidence in yourself = This usually means being charismatic or convincing people that you're confident and comfortable under the spotlight

How is Obama good?

Hi is good at convincing people he is what he is not.

If you take your case to trial do you have a better chance of coming home?

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What is ethical appeal?

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