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Q: Which are more dangerous depressants or stimulants?
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Are depressants more dangerous than stimulants?

Most types of alcohol are depressants while most drugs are stimulants. It is generally believed that depressants are not more dangerous than stimulants and that it is, in fact, the other way around.

Are Depressants less dangerous than stimulants?

TRUEBoth depressants and stimulants are equally dangerous when used incorrectly. Depressants can slow the heart rate down too much, and stimulants can speed it up too much. Both have devastating effects.

What groups of drugs have the opposite effect on the brain hallucinogens and stimulants opiates and sedatives stimulants and depressants depressants and opiates Why?

Stimulants and depressants have opposite effects on the brain. Stimulants activate the central nervous system, while depressants (as their name implies) depress it.

How do stimulants and depressants affect nerve activity?

stimulants increase activity and depressants decrease activity.

What category does caffeine go in stimulants depressants hallucinogens?


Are inhalants depressants stimulants or hallucinogens?


Can you take Focalin with alcohol?

Yes you can but it isnt recommended because mixing CNS stimulants and depressants can be very dangerous to your health. Have fun and be safe!

Are Depressants are more dangerous than stimulants?

Each of these categories of drugs has their own risk. Neither one is more dangerous than the other. Each drug has a time and place, particularly if you have been prescribed these by your doctor. What is not wise, is to mix these drugs or use them alternately.

What group of drugs does alcohol come from?

alcohol is under the category of depressants

What are the types of psychoactive drugs?

stimulants depressants hallucinorgenics

Want are the names of classes of drugs?

hallucinogen's, depressants and stimulants

Is caffeine a stimulate depressant or hallucinogen?

Caffeine belongs to the family of stimulants. It is the opposite of depressants, and has no hallucinogenic properties.