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Q: Which are the non Islamic countries in southeast Asia which have large amount of Muslims?
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Who were the main enemies of the Muslims?

First of all, "the Muslims" have not been politically unified for centuries. Often the worst enemy for a particular Islamic Empire would be another Islamic Empire. In Spain, for example, during the Taifa Kingdoms period, Islamic States would often solicit help from Christian States in the north to jointly launch an attack on a different Islamic State. On other occasions, Islamic Empires fought against Christian States, Hindu States, Sikh States, Buddhist States, and Animist States. Currently, the greatest amount of Muslims' angst and hatred is directed at the world's only Jewish State.

What is a battle history of Islam?

Islamic History encompasses roughly 150 different current and historical countries across 14 centuries. The amount of battles fought by Muslims on behalf of those states is enormous. (It would be a list of several thousand battles, raids, and other military missions.) If you have a specific Islamic State or a specific time-frame you wish to examine, please resubmit the question clarifying this information.

How do banks profit from Islamic finance?

Islamic banks profit differs from most other countries. It is illegal for an Islamic bank to charge interest on a loan. A loan can only be for the value of the item. The person receiving the loan however, will pay an extra amount which is considered a gratuity.

Why do people often ask about Islamic terrorism?

Simply put, while people certainly do ask about other forms of terrorism in addition to Islamic terrorism, people ask about Islamic terrorism for several major reasons: (1) its relative commonness, (2) the amount of media coverage given to Islamic terrorism, (3) a curiosity to understand the enemy, (4) selective attention making Muslims feel more under attack (Muslims typically are not reading questions about Hindu Terrorism), and (5) a general annoyance that most Muslims do not say anything useful concerning terrorism or why it occurs in Islam. They often prefer to use tu quoque logical fallacies (which is the fallacy of "you are just a bad as us"), no true Scotsman logical fallacies (which is the fallacy or "they are not 'real' Muslims"), and arguments that "non-Muslims just do not understand" while not explaining anything that would actually provide such understanding.

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Please specify what you are referring to. "Southeast region" is too general.

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Theoretically the Ural Mountains divide Europe from Siberian Asia but several countries are on both sides which confuses the issue.

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not most but yes a normal amount.

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European countries have the least amount of deserts.

What region had the largest amount of slaves?

South and Southeast. 35% of the population of the south was slave.

What is the average amount of snowfall a year in southeast kansas?

Around 10-15 inches.