

Which are the representative democracy in the US?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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We are a representative REPUBLIC, not a democracy. The last great democracy was in France and ended with the revolution of 1788-89 ( " let them eat cake" ).

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Q: Which are the representative democracy in the US?
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Representative. We vote for people to represent us.

Does the US have a direct democracy?

No, the US has a representative democracy.

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We elect people to represent us, therefore, it is a representative democracy.

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Representative democracy is a democracy where the people choose a representative to represent them in the government. This representative will then vote for the things the people he represents want.

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The US government is a republic, and a representative democracy.

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A limited franchise democracy called a representative democracy.

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Representative Democracy

The government in the US is a democracy?

Yes it is a representative democracy! God Bless the USA!

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a total democracy (US has a democracy but it is representative"

To what extent is the US a direct democracy a representative democracy or a republic?

The US is primarily a representative democracy with elements of a republic. In a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf, which aligns with the US system of electing representatives at various levels of government. Furthermore, the US operates as a republic, where power is held by elected officials and laws are created through a system of representative government rather than direct citizen participation in decision-making.

How is representative democracy used in the US government?

In the US, representative democracy is used in the form of a bicameral legislature (House of Representatives and Senate) where elected officials represent the interests of their constituents. Citizens vote for representatives who then make laws and policies on their behalf. This system allows for a balance between direct input from the people and the practical need for efficient decision-making.