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the lens of the eye

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Q: Which area is not having blood supply?
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What is the blood supply to broca's area?

The left middle cerebral artery supplies blood to broca's area.

What is the blood supply to Wernicke's area?

middle cerebral artery, inferior division

What is the medical term meaning localized area of necrosis by an interruption of the blood supply?

A localized area of necrosis caused by an interruption of the blood supply is an infarction. For instance, a myocardial infarction is a localized area of necrosis in the heart muscle. An MI is commonly known as a heart attack.

Why do lungs have a surface area of about 60 metres squared and a good supply of blood?

The large surface area and blood supply allow the largest opportunity for diffusion. Both of these factors make it easier for oxygen to move into the bloodstream and CO2 to move out.

The only area of the body where the blood supply is unaffected while exercising at maximum levels is the?

That would be the brain.

What is a parakeet blood feather?

A blood feather on any bird is a feather that still has a blood supply to it. A blood supply is necessary for any feather that is still growing. Once grown out, the blood supply dries up. A feather shaft with a blood supply will be red; a feather shaft with no blood supply will be white.

What is renal blood supply?

The term, renal, refers to the kidney. Therefore, renal blood supply refers to blood supply of the kidney.

Blood supply of motor speech area?

The branches of middle cerebral artery provide most of the arterial blood supply of the primary motor cortex; while branches of the anterior cerebral artery supplies its medial aspect.

What is inadequate blood supply to an organ?

Deficient blood supply means not enough blood; this happens if there is a problem with the circulation, which could be caused by a blood clot inside a blood vessle, or pressure on a vessle, or a severed blood vessle, or arteriosclerosis.

What do you call the blood supply to the heart?

It's the coronary blood supply.

Does skin bring oxygen to the blood?

Not in humans. We don't have nearly enough surface area to supply our cells by this method.

Is it true massaging of bony prominence helps to prevent skin breakdown by increasing the blood supply to the area?
