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the soil beneath a tree.

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Q: Which area is soil most likely to be washed away?
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Which will most likely happen if all of the soil in an ecosystem washed away?

most of the plants would die

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Most iteams washed away are typically washed and pushed back to sea. They either float away or sink to the bottom of the ocean.

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You can tell by the type of fabric it is. If the fabric is very delicate it can not be washed regularly; while if it is not, most likely it can be washed like normal.

In which area is the topsoil most likely to be thickest?

Topsoil naturally builds up over long periods, but can be blown or washed away. Areas with deeper topsoil are not subject to these types of erosion, and may have a very long history of vegetation (such as centuries of forest cover) which has caused the buildup, or be in an area that catches a lot of wind or water borne soil.

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There will most likely be more wildlife in that area.

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Some eyewitnesses claim they smelt an extremely putrid odour. Most of the alleged sightings that include this detail are from Florida. It is possible that since the Pacific Northwest rains most of the time that the animals from that area have their smell washed away.

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most likely there will be no moon in the nights.