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The reticular system

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Q: Which area of your brain controls conscious awareness?
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Where is your conscious mind located?

The mind is in the brain Further discussion of this question can be done in the Discussion area.

How does alzheimers affect the respiratory system?

Strokes affect the cells in the brain. Since the brain controls all parts of the body, the area of the brain that controls your respiratory system can be damaged due to the rupture of an artery in the brain.

Which area of the brain controls the heart rate digestion and breathing?

the brain stem is what controlls the heart rate, respiration and such.

What hemisphere of the brain controls speech and language?

The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for controlling speech and language functions in most individuals. This area is known as the left hemisphere dominant for language processing.

Which parts of the brain work together to achieve good eye-hand coordination?

Occipital and Frontal Lobe. Occipital lobe controls primary visual area, the frontal lobe controls primary motor area

Can a human use their full brain capacity?

Humans DO use their full brain capacity. Scientists can detect and record activity in every area of the brain. But our conscious brain only uses 10%... the rest of the brain takes care of internal functions though the subconscious brain.

What side of the motor area of the brain must give the command to move the right arm?

The left side. The contralateral side of the brain controls movement of the limbs.

What part of brain controls tying your shoes?

primary motor area of cerebral cortex ,cerebrum

What area of the brain plays a major role in controlling precise movements?

The cerebellum controls precise or fine motor movements.