

Which astronomer discovered comets return at intervals?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Edmund Halley.

He even had a comet named after him, the Halley Comet.

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Q: Which astronomer discovered comets return at intervals?
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Who founded hailey's comet?

sir Edmond Halley was the Astronomer/Mathematician who hypothesized that the great comets that had appeared at intervals of 73 to 77 years since ancient times were all the same object, and correctly predicted its return in the late 18th Century. He didn't live to see it return, but when it did, it was named for him.

How do scientists predict comet movement?

Almost all known comets follow an elliptical or circular path. This means that, over time, they return to our solar system at regular intervals. Astronomers identify each comet, and track its movement while it's in our 'neighbourhood' - then use the data to predict when it will next return.

When did Edmund halley make his discovery?

He discovered that the comets of 1456, 1531, and 1607 were the same in 1705. In that same year he predicted that that comet would return in 1758. he died in 1742 so he didn't get to see if he was right or not, but the comet in fact did return in 1758.

What force causes comets to return to the inner planets?

Gravitational pull

Who was the first to calculate a comets elliptical path and return date?

Are you serious?

Who was edmond?

Edmond Haley was an astronomer, who predicted the return of what is now "Haleys Comet"

Who discovered the orbit of Halley's comet?

It's theorized that all comets formed in the Oort cloud, which is a spherical cloud of comets roughly 50,000 AU from the sun. Out there are temperatures sufficiently cold enough to form the giant balls of ice we call comets

Why are comets names after hally?

Why is a comet named after Halley? The comet was named after English astronomer Edmond Halley who first worked out how often this particular comet appeared in our skies. Mr Halley read reports of bright comets and said it was the same comet coming back near the Earth every 70 years or so. He predicted its next return. When it showed up on time, people called it Halley's Comet. See link below.<p></p><p>

When were comets found?

Comets have been seen and studied by people for thousands of years. Edmond Halley predicted a comet to return in 1705 which is why we call it Halley's Comet or Comet Halley.

Who discovered that comets are not just one time vistors to earth?

Edmond Halley. He stated his belief that the comet sightings of 1456, 1531, 1607, and 1682 related to the same comet, which he predicted would return in 1758. When it did it became generally known as Halley's Comet.

What was the name of a comet that was predicted to return?

There are scores of comets who's orbits have been determined, and are predicted to return, but the best known one is probably Comet Halley.

What is the maximum orbiting height?

A2. There is no maximum orbiting height. Consider for a moment the comets of long return period.