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Q: Which astronomer discovered that heavenly bodies are not stars?
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What is a heavenly bodie?

stars are called heavenly bodies

What is the person who studies the heavenly bodies?

Well, Depending on you question.: Either 1: The Photographer who works at PlayBoy Magazine. or 2: Astronomer. A man works looks at the stars and moons and planet in the universe.

A sentence with bodies?

scientists call stars heavenly bodies

What is a group of heavenly called?

A group of heavenly bodies is called a solar system. Heavenly bodies are the stars, planets, comets, asteroids, and moons of a solar system.

What are the heavily bodies on the universe?

The heavenly bodies on the universe are anything that is found in the skies and is placed there by nature. Some of the common heavenly bodies include comets and stars.

How many heavenly bodies revolved along the background of stars?


What is the study of stars planets and all other heavenly bodies?


How many 'heavenly bodies' are there in the world?

Heavenly bodies, by their very definition, are not "in the world" - they are in the heavens - that is, they are out of this world. Heavenly bodies include the Sun, the moon, the planets of the solar system and other stars and their planets. They are - literally - too many to count.

What is the body of science that study about the stars and other heavenly bodies?

Astronomy or Planetary Science

Do astronomers study stars planets and other heavenly bodies true or fake?

Yes, they do.

Who the first man to use a telescope in observing heavenly bodies?

the color of the stars is realetedto its

Who was the astronomer or scientist that first discovered the stars?

Who was the astronomer or scientist that first discovered the stars? It was you. It happened when you were very young. You were so young that you had not learned to walk or talk yet, so you don't remember. You just looked up to the sky one dark evening, and there they were!