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Ozone absorbs UV radiation. It is present as ozone layer.

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Q: Which atmospheric gases absorb UV radiation?
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What are gasses in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation called?

The ozone gas absorbs UV rays. It is present as ozone layer.These atmospheric gases, also referred to as greenhouse gases, absorb solar radiation and cause a rise in temperature.

Which gases absorb ultraviolent radiation?

The gas which absorb ultraviolet radiation is ozone. It absorbs the harmful Uv radiations from the sun.

Which molecule do not absorb microwave radiation?

Ozone does not absorb microwave. It only absorbs UV.

Does the ozone absorb ultra violet radiation?

Yes, it does. It absorbs the UV radiation.

Why chloro fluro carbon is not able to absorb uv radiation?

CFC's do not absorb UV rays. But they react with ozone and deplete it.

Why does earths atmosphere absorb radiation?

It absorbs radiation to protect it. It protects from UV rays.

What dangerous radiation does the atmosphere absorb?

The atmosphere absorb UV radiations. They are absorbed by ozone layer.

Does carbon dixoide absorb ultraviolet radiation?

False, Ozone absorbs UV.

In which layers of the atmosphere does the temperature increase with increasing height?

The stratosphere is where the temperature increases with height. This is due to absorption of UV radiation by atmospheric ozone.

Does the ozone layer absorb infrared radiation?

No it does not. It only protects against the UV rays.

What is the name of a RED gas that can absorb UV radiation?

It is ozone. It is present as the ozone layer.

Why the green house gases only absorb uv rays?

They do not. Only ozone absorbs it.