

Which bedding is it best to use when your mare is foaling?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Which bedding is it best to use when your mare is foaling?
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What bedding is best to use when your mare is due to foal?

For Howrse, it's straw.

Which bedding is best to use when your mare is due to foal?

Straw is usually the recommended bedding for a mare during the foaling period. Straw will not stick to the wet foal and placenta like shavings. The problem with straw is the mare might eat it. This could lead to colic. Be sure the mare has access to free choice good quality hay to decrease the chance of her eating the straw. Consuming straw is thought to be one of the causes of colic in mares following foaling. The straw should be clean, not moldy, free from dust and soft. If the mare insists on eating the straw, shavings may be safer. The best place for a mare to foal is in a large grassy pasture surrounded by safe fences and cleared of all unsafe objects.

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What pain relief can you give a mare that's giving birth?

Usually pain medication during the foaling process is unnecessary...and may potentially mask symptoms that indicate that the mare is in need of professional assistance. Post foaling, painful mares can be given certain pain medications such as banamine, xylazine or bute etc...however, these are prescription medications. Unless you have the meds on hand with instructions on their proper use from your vet with regard to this particular foaling mare you may create or mask other issues.

What is the ideal bedding to use in a foaling stall to prevent infections in the foal?

well, the beding a horse would like to give birth on would be a warm blanket or somthing that makes them cozy and warm!What I use is paper bedding (shredded newspaper) covered with grass hay.Paper bedding is very absorbent, once it is wet it sticks together for easy removal and replacement and prevents rubber mats from becoming slick.I use grass hay over the top because it is not a byproduct of another growth process (like straw) so the producer has made an effort to insure that it is clean, mold and dust free and has the added advantages that the mare can eat it before and after foaling and I don't need extra storage space.straw- i think that's correct for howrse to!if you go on howrse- pm me! im 22barbaro22!!!Preparing your mare for foaling, and making sure your new foal is comfortable is essencial in his health. I have written an article on when my mare foaled, and how we prepared & cared for her, and our new foal. This is the link: did some research, and heard many things. Some people said shavings because they are very absorbent, and not dusty like straw. However, I also heard "Use hay. Shavings can and do harbor psuedomonas, sticks to wet foals, gets in eyes, and most importantly, can be dusty. So, if you end up with a batch of dusty shavings with psuedomonas, you could end up with some really nasty problems with your neonate. Stick with straw or hay."Then some people preferred hay over straw, either because straw was less common and more expensive than hay where they lived.In a magazine I once read, it said to lay sawdust down, and then straw on top of that. the straw gives a nice cushiness , and allows for any liquids to go through into the sawdust, which will absorb it.I personally am going to let my horse foal outdoors, keeping it as natural as possible, because in my opinion, horses had it great. Everything went well, until humans came and messed everything up.So, I suggest you read all these and decide which one makes the most sense to you. Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer, but there are many ways, and its a matter of opinion and availability to which you use.Most people use wheat straw in the foaling stalls.I just passed riding level six, and the answer is: straw. This is for howrse.Straw, so that the mare will not be scratched and the straw won't stick to the new foal. If you're looking for this answer for Howrse, has some answers for the riding levels :)

How soon to breed a mare after she delivers?

Technically, a mare can be bred again on her "foal heat". Her first "heat" cycle usually a few weeks after giving birth. For big breeding farms they do rebreed the mare at this time. For most backyard horse people this time comes and goes without notice. They are too busy playing with their new foal and its nice for the mare to recover from birthing. There is usually plenty of time to decide if you want to breed your mare again.

What type of straw should be used for a horse that is foaling?

Any type of clean straw can be used. Many breeders use paper bedding with straw on the top to increase absorbtion. Personally, I use hay over paper.

What bedding should i use for my gunea pig?

There are plenty of bedding materials out there. Use what you like best. Aspen shavings are very nice.

How do you have a horse baby?

A horses baby is called a foal. A boy is a colt foal and a girl is a filly foal. To 'have' a baby you'll need a mare that is capable of reproducing, this should be a papered mare as there is not much of a market for unpapered horses anymore. You can send her to a stud farm to be bred or have cooled or frozen semen shipped from a stud to your home where a equine veterinarian can impregnate the mare for you. The mare will then stay pregnant for 340 to 365 days depending on how long she typically carries a foal. Once the foal is fully developed and barring any complications the mare will give birth. A mare should either be put in a small paddock with shelter or in a foaling stall that is a minimum of 12 by 24 feet in size. You should use straw bedding for the foaling. Once the foal is dry and able to move you can switch to shavings if you'd like. Make sure that the foal can stand and nurse on it's own before leaving them alone to rest. Once the mare has foaled and dropped the placenta you will have had a foal born, and it will then be your responsibility to train and care for the foal. Keep in mind that foals are very expensive.

How do you horses have babies?

A horses baby is called a foal. A boy is a colt foal and a girl is a filly foal. To 'have' a baby you'll need a mare that is capable of reproducing, this should be a papered mare as there is not much of a market for unpapered horses anymore. You can send her to a stud farm to be bred or have cooled or frozen semen shipped from a stud to your home where a equine veterinarian can impregnate the mare for you. The mare will then stay pregnant for 340 to 365 days depending on how long she typically carries a foal. Once the foal is fully developed and barring any complications the mare will give birth. A mare should either be put in a small paddock with shelter or in a foaling stall that is a minimum of 12 by 24 feet in size. You should use straw bedding for the foaling. Once the foal is dry and able to move you can switch to shavings if you'd like. Make sure that the foal can stand and nurse on it's own before leaving them alone to rest. Once the mare has foaled and dropped the placenta you will have had a foal born, and it will then be your responsibility to train and care for the foal. Keep in mind that foals are very expensive.

How do you have a babies?

A horses baby is called a foal. A boy is a colt foal and a girl is a filly foal. To 'have' a baby you'll need a mare that is capable of reproducing, this should be a papered mare as there is not much of a market for unpapered horses anymore. You can send her to a stud farm to be bred or have cooled or frozen semen shipped from a stud to your home where a equine veterinarian can impregnate the mare for you. The mare will then stay pregnant for 340 to 365 days depending on how long she typically carries a foal. Once the foal is fully developed and barring any complications the mare will give birth. A mare should either be put in a small paddock with shelter or in a foaling stall that is a minimum of 12 by 24 feet in size. You should use straw bedding for the foaling. Once the foal is dry and able to move you can switch to shavings if you'd like. Make sure that the foal can stand and nurse on it's own before leaving them alone to rest. Once the mare has foaled and dropped the placenta you will have had a foal born, and it will then be your responsibility to train and care for the foal. Keep in mind that foals are very expensive.