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Q: Which begins as kinetic energy and can be transformed into mechanical energy and electricity A oil B wind C sunlight D natural gas?
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Which begins as kinetic energy and can be transformed into mechanical energy and electricity?

Wind is the only one.

Can electromagnetic energy be transformed?

its electric to mechanical kinetic! The electric current creates a magnetic field and moves certain objects toward it, once again it MOVES object towards it and an objects motion creates mechanical kinetic energy.

What energy transformed in motors?

motor is of mechanical energy which is made of kinetic energy

How is wind energy transformed into kinetic energy?

The energy in the wind is kinetic, it is due to a mass of air moving at a certain speed. Wind energy is transformed into mechanical energy through the blades of the wind turbine, and the mechanical energy is then transformed into electrical energy in a generator driven by the blade axis.

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What kind of energy is transformed to fast flowing mountain stream generates electricity?


Which energy transformation is taking in an electric motor?

Usually electrical energy is transformed into mechanical or kinetic energy

How does a hydroelectric dam change the type of energy?

There are several. Gravitational potential energy is transformed into linear kinetic energy, which is then transformed into rotational kinetic energy, which is then transformed into electrical energy.

Where turbine is located?

Turbines are attache to either alternator or generator which converts mechanical energy to electric energy. Turbines convert the kinetic energy into mechanical energy. (Eg. steam turbine is a prime-mover in which te potential energy of the steam is transformed into kinetic energy and latter in its turn is transformed into the mechanical energy of the rotation of the turbine shaft)

What kind of energy's are there?

two min types of energy are mechanical in the case of motion and electricity in which case is electricity.

What energy is transferred to another energy in wind turbines?

Kinetic energy in wind is used.This energyis transformed into electricity

Can heat be completely transformed to kinetic energy?

No heat can not be transformed to kinetic energy.