

Best Answer

It converts Energy in food into a more usable form

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Q: Which best describes respiration
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What best describes where cellular respiration?

Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria of body cells. Anaerobic respiration (glcolysis) occurs in the intracellular cytosol.

Best describes where cellular respiration occurs?

In every body cell -apex

What best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration ATP molecules are produced in photosynthesis and used up in respiration Respiration is an?

photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules, while respiration releases it.

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What does the Krebs cycle do in cellular respiration?

It describes one pathway for cellular respiration.

What best describes the difference between photosynthesis in the chloroplast and cellular respiration in the mitochondiria?

Photosynthesis makes glucose molecules, but cellular respiration breaks them down.

What statements best describes cellular respiration?

It converts energy in food into a more usable form. (Cellular Respiration-The enzyme-controlled process in which energy is released from food and converted into a form that the cell can use.)

What term best describes carbon dioxide in cellular respiration?

CO2 serves as an end product that is released from body tissues (cells) after cellular respiration is used to release the energy from an ATP molecule.

Phosphofructokinase is an important control enzyme in the regulation of cellular respiration of cellular respiration What is statement that describes a function of phosphofructokinase?

it is an allosteric enzyme.

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Which statement describes how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interrelated?

The statement " All the products of Photosynthesis i.e Sugar, Oxygen are the reactants of Cellular Respiration , and all the products of Cellular Respiration i.e Carbon Dioxide are the reactants of Photosynthesis ." ,describes that the two most integral metabolic processes i.e Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are inter-related .

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