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Q: Which best describes the South in the years leading up to the Civil War?
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Which best describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?

describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?

Which best describes the economy of the South in the years leading up to the Civil War?

an agriculture economy overly dependent on cotton and slave labor.

Which describes a significant difference between the North and the South in the years leading up to the US Civil War?

The leading differences between the North and the South leading towards the US Civil War was their respective economies. The North was rapidly expanding manufacturing while the South was primarily an agricultural economy. Also, the Southern economy was driven by slaves. For the most part the North had few slaves at all.

Who was winning the civil war for the first 2 years?

the union was winning the civil war

How did the social classes in the north and south differ Why?

There were indeed stark social differences between the North and the South in the years leading up to the American Civil War. The South was an agrarian society that largely relied on slave labor and a plantation system to drive its economy. ... Unlike the South, the North had a larger urban...

What are 3 major causes leading to the civil war?

Three major causes leading to the Civil War were: 1) Economic differences between the industrial North and agricultural South, particularly related to slavery; 2) States' rights versus federal authority, with Southern states advocating for more state autonomy; and 3) Political tensions over the expansion of slavery into new territories and states.

What phrase best describes the Chisholm Trail?

a popular cattle drive route in the years after the Civil War

Which man emerged as the leading union general in the west in the first years of the civil war?

Ulysses S. Grant

Who did tariffs help in the years leading up to the civil war?

The North - which was trying to protect its own manufacturing industry by taxing imports. As it was mainly the South that needed imports (having no manufacturing industry), this looked like the North levying a tax on the South, and it caused a lot of bad blood.

What did South Carolina create to govern the colony in the years leading up to the American Revolution?

House of Deputies

Which war resulted in territorial gains for the US that caused sectional conflict in the years leading up to the Civil War?

Mexican War

Did the south want cheap western land?

In the years leading up to the American Civil War, both Southerners and Northerners sought cheap, if also usable, land in the West. For the South more generally, however, the key was finding tillable soil that could be used to grow cotton -- and be worked with slave labor.