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Q: Which boat can skim over the surface of water?
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A boat, where the hull design is meant to raise the boat to skim across the surface of the water rather then ploughing through it.

What is a word for to skim over the water?

to skim over water means..

To skim over water?

To skim over water means to remove the floating matter over the water.

Four letters - move lightly over the surface?


How do we get protozoa?

By making a plankton net then skim along surface of water

What properties of water allow dolphins to skim across the oceans surface in persuit of prey?

surface tension

What kind of a sport is skim boarding?

Skim boarding is like surfing but the skim board does not have a fin so it glides across the water surface. The sport involves many of the same maneuvers that surfers do.

What travels on top of the water?

Hydroplanes skim along the surface of the water rather like an airplane flies in the air.

How do you separate water from synthetic oil?

Just let the oil float to the surface and skim it off.

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Will the filter be affected by water above the skimmer?

It won't work as a skimmer if your water level is above the skimmer. If you watch how the skimmer works, the water is pulled in over the skimmer door and it won't "skim" the floating debris off the surface of the water if the water level covers the entire opening, your skimmer will just suck in water that is below the surface. If you keep the water level so it's at least below the opening an inch or so, you should be o.k. If you've recently had alot of rain, you may need to drain some water out of the pool so your skimmers function properly.

Do Bouncing Bombs really bounce?

Not bounce in the sense that a ball bounces- they were designed for use over water, where they 'skipped' across the surface just as happens when you skim a stone across a pond. The speed and motion in which they were travelling meant that they were able to use the surface tension of the water as a kind of springboard, moving too fast for their weight to make them sink.