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Congress approves Secretary of State.

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Q: Which body must approve the President and choice for secretary of state?
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Who was the secretary of state under president Garfield?

James G. Blaine, from Maine, was Garfield's choice for Secretary of State.

Which body must approve the presidents choice for secretary of state?

A majority, or more than half, of the U.S. Senate must approve the appointment.

Can the president remove the secretary of state?

Yes, nowadays the secretaries can be terminated at the will of the President. The usual process is for the President to privately ask a secretary to resign and the secretary then resigns, citing some personal reason such as health or a desire to return to private business. The Senate must approve the replacements..

Does a President need Congress approval to appoint Secretary of State?

Congress does not have to give approval to appoint the President's choice for Secretary of State. However, a confirmation hearing takes place before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

How many presidents served as secretary of state after being president?

No ex-president has later become a Secretary of State- six have moved up from Secretary of State to president, however.

What does secretary of state do?

The United States Secretary of State is the head of the U.S. Department of State, concerned with Foreign Affairs. Secretary of State is also the Highest- Ranking Cabinet Secretary in the President's Cabinet. The president choose the secretary of state.

What do Secretary's of state do?

The United States Secretary of State is the head of the U.S. Department of State, concerned with Foreign Affairs. Secretary of State is also the Highest- Ranking Cabinet Secretary in the President's Cabinet. The president choose the secretary of state.

Who is the Secretary of State in the Office of the President of Seychelles?

Barry Faure is the Secretary of State in the Office of the President of Seychelles.

President Washington's Secretary of the Treasury's home state?

president washington's secretary of the treasury's home state was from virginia

Who will be in charge if the president and vice president are both incapacitated?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President Washington's secretary of the treasury home state?

president washington's secretary of the treasury's home state was from Virginia

Who are the members of the National Security Council.?

President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Energy.