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The first cabinet officer in line for the presidency is the Secretary of state, who is behind the vice-president, the Speaker of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate.

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Q: Who is the first cabinet officer in the line of succession for the presidency?
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Which cabinet office is stepping stone to presidency?

well traditionally it was the secretary of state (Jefferson being the first example)

Define the Cabinet as it relates to the presidency?

The Presidential Cabinet was the first cabinet established by Indonesia following the 17 August 1945 Indonesian Declaration of Independence. It comprised 20 ministers and four officials. Its term of office ran from 2 September to 14 November 1945.

What is the purpose of washingtons cabinet?

Because George Washington was the first president, I would have to argue that the purpose of Washington's cabinet was to help set the foundation of America. I mean, think about it: it was during Washington's presidency that our banking system was created and established; that term alone set up America's economy for the rest of our lives. Of course, the president uses his cabinet as a reassurance tool, meaning that before he makes huge decisions that will impact millions of lives for the rest of their lives, he must talk it over with his cabinet, first.

Who is the first person in the line of succession for the Presidency?

Vice President of the United States Speaker of the House President pro tempore of the Senate Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Labor Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Energy Secretary of Education Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary of Homeland Security

The number of the positions in Washingtons first cabinet?

There were 7 (Seven) delegates in his first cabinet.

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Is it true that the secretary of state is the first cabinet officer in the line of succession?


Is it true the secretary of state is the first cabinet officer in the line of succession?


The law on succession to the presidency was first approved on this date?

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Who is the first person in the line of succession of the presidency?

Vice- President is the first in the line of succession for the presidency. Indeed such is the primary purpose for the office of vice-president.

What is the presidential succession plan?

Passed in 1947, this is an act of Congress that provides for a clear definition of who will assume the office if the president and vice-president are killed at the same time . The presidency would pass to first eligible person in the succession list which house speaker, president-pro-tempore of the Senate, and then the cabinet members in the order which their department was created.

What is the first cabinet post in line to the Presidency of the United States and who holds the position today?

The first cabinet post in line to take over the presidency in the event that the president becomes unable to carry out his duties is the vice president. As of February 12, 2015, the United States Vice President is Joe Biden.

What cabinet members is first in succession to the US presidency?

Vice PresidentSpeaker of the HousePresident Pro Tempore of the SenateSecretary of StateSecretary of the TreasurySecretary of DefenseAttorney GeneralSecretary of the InteriorSecretary of AgricultureSecretary of CommerceSecretary of LaborSecretary of Health and Human ServicesSecretary of Housing and Urban DevelopmentSecretary of TransportationSecretary of EnergySecretary of EducationSecretary of Veterans Affairs

List two precedents of Washington's presidency?

its really easy if you like to learn about history like i do he had the first inauguration and the first cabinet

Which cabinet office is stepping stone to presidency?

well traditionally it was the secretary of state (Jefferson being the first example)

Who would be President of the United States should the current President die?

VPThe vice president.AnswerThe succession of the president of the United States is defined by the 25th Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (and subsequent modifications)In short, it provides that the president be succeed in the following order:Vice PresidentSpeaker of the House of RepresentativesPresident Pro Tempore of the SenateMembers of the cabinet, by seniority of the cabinet seat (that is, according to which cabinet department was created first). Currently, this starts with the Secretary of State.However, the Presidential Succession Act itself is probably unconstitutional, based on the inclusion of #2 and #3 in the succession, as the Constitution requires that the President be an "Officer" of the state, which excludes those elected representatives. See the following link for more discussion.The Vice President would take over.

Are there any reasons why someone could not ascend to the presidency from senate of house positions?

The framers' failure to provide a method for filling a vice-presidential vacancy continued to plague the nation. In 1792 Congress made a first stab at addressing the problem by adopting the Presidential Succession Act, providing that, if a presidentshould die when there was no vice president, the Senate president pro tempore and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in that order, would succeed to the office. In 1886, responding to a concern that few presidents pro tempore had executive branch experience, Congress altered the line of succession to substitute for the congressional officials cabinet officers in order of rank, starting with the secretary of state. In 1947, after the vice presidency had been vacant for most of a presidential term, Congress again changed the line of succession. Concerned that cabinet officers had not been elected, it named the House Speaker as the first official to succeed if a president died during a vacancy in the vice presidency, followed by the president pro tempore.

What are the five levels of presidential succession?

presidentvice presidentSpeaker of the Housepresident pro tempore (senate)cabinet members in the order their departments were created (Secretary of State first)