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mammary glands

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Q: Which body part causes you to grow or stop growing?
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What part of the body causes you to grow or stop growing?

NOT your mammary glands.Whoever said that, is not the brightest and is an a hole. Getting a good nights sleep. If you slept with a night light as a little kid you could be shorter than average. The night light tricks your body into think that it's day so it doesn't get a full rest which causes you not to grow.

What body part is the first to grow?

The fastest growing part of the body is either the blood or hair or nails.

Name a part of your body that never stops growing?

Cartilage is the part of the skeleton that never stops growing.

What part of speech is will be growing?

"Will be growing" is a verb phrase. It makes the future progressive tense of grow.

What part of speech is the word growing?

The word "growing" can function as either a verb (present participle of "grow") or an adjective (as in "growing concern").

Which part of the body does not stop grow from birth?

Hair, Cells, Nails. Your muscles, bones, and organs stop growing after it reaches maturity, but honestly i don't know if your nose and ears continue to grow

Which part of body does not grow?

the eyes

How does the bones grow?

Well, since your body is developing, it is growing little by little every day. Part of that development is getting more cartilage in your body, and the cartilage needs more room to spread out, so your body grows to provide room for it.

Grasses can keep growing after animals eat part of them?

Most plants grow from the top but grasses are different, they grow from the base so cutting or animals grazing does not stop them growing.

Which part of the body starts growing before birth?

All of it.

Does hair grow on every part of your body?


Non growing part of the human body?

One example of a non-growing part of the human body is the adult skeletal system. Once the bones have reached their full size and maturity during adolescence, they do not grow any further. However, they do undergo remodeling throughout life, replacing old bone tissue with new bone tissue.