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Q: Which body part or system does the virus enter before spreading to the rest of the body?
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What can an iPod touch virus do... Can it do anything really bad?

unless the ipod is jailbroken, no virus can enter your system

Will there be a second wave of the H1N1?

It is certainly possible. The virus might mutate, and the mutated version start spreading. Or the existing virus might spread in places where it hasn't been before.It is certainly possible. The virus might mutate, and the mutated version start spreading. Or the existing virus might spread in places where it hasn't been before.It is certainly possible. The virus might mutate, and the mutated version start spreading. Or the existing virus might spread in places where it hasn't been before.It is certainly possible. The virus might mutate, and the mutated version start spreading. Or the existing virus might spread in places where it hasn't been before.

What program is needed to virus for spreading?

virus spreader

Does interferon prevent viral replication?

It prevents the replication of viral infections, this then stops the virus from spreading further into our system.

Is stupidity a virus?

Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one.

What is the diff between a Virus and a warm?

Do you mean Worm? A Worm is a type of virus. Just like in humans, the Flu is a type of virus. A worm is a specific type of virus, and refers to viruses which use exploits to enter a system.

What does virus dissemination mean in computer?

It just means deliberately releasing/spreading a computer virus.

How does a virus enter in your system?

A virus enters the system either by internet (email, downloads, or giving out info) or by infiltration of your computer (a flash drive, black bag job, writing the computer virus on your computer). Internet viruses are more common, as they are easier to spread.

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How do virus enter a particle cell?

it will enter from air