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digestive- produces hormones for storage and isolation

circulatory - transport materials for energy release in body cells

respiratory -n collects waste material for digestion

excretory- produce antibodies to fight disease causing organisms

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3.circulatory- transports materials for energy release in body cells

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Q: Which body system and its organs are incorrectly matched?
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What system in the human body protctes your body organs?

if you meanWhat system in the human body protects your body organs?then your answer is the skeletal system.

What is the relationship of nervous system to body organs?

The nervous system controly your body organs.

How are organs matched to a recipient?

Organs are matched primarily through blood typing and body typing. The recipent has to have the same bloo type (ABO) as the donor or the recipients body will "reject" the organ - the body's own immune system will attack the organ as a foreign object. Also, you can't really give a 5'2", 115 lb person's kidney to a 6'5" 250 lb recipient. Size matters.

Which organs system contain your organs?

Your body does this.

What does organs body system does?

digestive system

What organ system protects and supports the body?

The Skeletal System protects all your organs and supports the body.

What transmits impulses from body organs to cns?

The nervous system is from the body organs. This is what makes your body work.

What term refers to the system of organs and tissues that circulate the blood around your body?

The system of organs that carries blood around your body is called the 'Circulatory' system, or the 'circulatory' organs.

Which two organs move your body?

There are more than two organs the move the body. The nervous system is involved and that includes several organs. Without that system, you would not be able to move at all. There is the skeletal system and it's organs and lastly the muscle system and it's organs.

What organs does the body system involve?

digestive system

What are the organs system?

depends, if your talking about the human organ system than it has to do with all the organs in the body.

What body system consists of?

Body systems comprise organs.