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Q: Which body systems are responsible for breakdown of food and transportation of nutrients throughout the body?
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What is the role of circulatory system in nutrients?

The circulatory system is responsible for absorbing nutrients from the digestive system. In addition, it works to carry these nutrients throughout the body.

Which property of water makes it important in the breakdown of organic chemicals like your nutrients?

Water aids chemical reactions to occur that help the breakdown of organic chemicals like nutrients in the body. This then enables them to be absorbed for further uses throughout the body.

What system carries nutrients throughout the body?

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting essential nutrients throughout the body. It picks up the nutrients from the small intestine and large intestine, and brings the nutrients to cells in the body.

What part of the flower makes transportation?

The vascular tissue in the flower, specifically the phloem, is responsible for transporting sugars and nutrients from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

Which system of the human body is responsible for the transportation of nutrients to the cells and removes waste through a system of arteries and veins?

digestive system

How do enzymes contribute to health?

Their energy-producing properties are responsible for not only the digestion of nutrients, but their absorption, transportation, metabolization, and elimination as well.

What is the circulatory system responsible?

The circulatory system is responsible for the movement of materials throughout the body. These materials include nutrients, wastes, oxygen, hormones, and immune materials.

What does the stem do?

Containing the xylem and phloem (vascular tissue that carries nutrients and water throughout the plant), the stem is mainly just a transportation tube.

Which tissue is responsible for transportation in a human body?

Blood - a fluid connective "tissue" - is the primary transport medium of substances, such as oxygen and nutrients, in the body.

What is the breakdown of food into absorbable nutrients?


What organ is considered part of the digestive system because it is responsible for the breakdown of some food types?

There are two different organs which are part of the digestive system and which are responsible for breaking down some types of nutrients, these being the stomach and the small intestine. The digestive system also includes other organs but those do not break down nutrients.

What part of the circulatory system carries the nutrients and removes wastes from the body cell?

The circulatory system is the system in the body that is responsible for the transportation of materials throughout the body. Red blood cells move through the circulatory system deliver oxygen and water to the cells in the body and takes away waste products.