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Q: Which branch of science studies how sound waves move through the air?
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What branch of science studies how sound waves move through air?

Physical science

What branch of science studies how sound waves move through the air?

Acoustics is the branch of physics which deals with sound and sound waves.

What science branch is sound in?


Studies sound and its properties?

The science of Acoustics does this, but the fine art of Music does also.

What do you call a person that studies sound?

someone who studies sound and it's properties is a Audiologist

How does sound travel through a slinky?

Sound does not travel through a slinky. This is just a science experiment to SHOW how soundwaves travel.

What is the best slogan with the theme Progressive Economy through science and technology?

"science is the sound of the future"

What scientist studies sound?

Physicists specializing in acoustics. Next physiologist in a life science field.

Is sound energy reflected through a solid?

yes, it is, and i am a biology/science teacher and it is true that sound energy is reflected through a solid

Does sound travel fastest through snow or steam?

Snow because snow is a solid and steam is a Gas and science has shoe that sound travels fastest through solids

How is sound is created through an instrument?

It's the same as asking "What creates sound?" it's vibrations! Did you ever take science?

what is the physic?

Physics is a branch of deals with all the physical mechanisms undergoing in this world.Physics (from Greek: physis "nature") is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space-time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.Physics also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies.