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Q: Which brand of soda has the most carbon dioxide?
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Which soda have more carbon dioxide?

Sodas that are more carbonated will have higher levels of carbon dioxide. Typically, sodas like sparkling water or some energy drinks have higher levels of carbonation compared to regular soft drinks like cola or lemon-lime soda.

How does temperature affect the fizz of soda?

Temperature affects the fizz of soda by influencing how much carbon dioxide gas can be dissolved in the liquid. Colder temperatures increase the solubility of carbon dioxide, leading to more fizz when the soda is opened or poured. Warmer temperatures decrease the solubility of carbon dioxide, resulting in less fizz.

What is the stubstance that makes soda carbonated?

Carbon dioxide gas is the substance that makes soda carbonated. It is dissolved under pressure into the liquid, creating the bubbles and fizziness that are characteristic of carbonated beverages.

What gas is formed when you mix water and baking soda?

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, because of the decay of the carbonate group in the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda.)

How much carbon monoxide does soda have?

Soda does not have any amounts of carbon monoxide. It has carbon dioxide dissolved in it, but no carbon monoxide.

What determines carbonation in soda?

This is created by bubbling carbon dioxide under pressure through the soda. The fizz is carbon dioxide bubbling off.

What factor affects the solubility of carbon dioxide in soda?

The two main factors that affect solubility of carbon dioxide in soda are temperature and pressure.

Which gas is contained in the soda water?

Carbon dioxide (CO2). It is mainly produced by the decomposition of pressurized carbonic acid (H2CO3) into water and carbon dioxide.

Where does fizz in soda come from?

The fizz in soda is carbon dioxide bubbles. Carbon dioxide is dissolved in the soda by putting it under pressure. When the pressure is released because you open the bottle or can, the carbon dioxide comes out of solution in the form of bubbles. Voila, fizz!

What kind of acid is in soda?

Carbon Dioxide

What makes he fizz in a soda?

Carbon dioxide

What solute is in soda water?

Carbon Dioxide