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Q: Which british law allowed a tax placed on legal documents?
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What act taxed legal documents diplomas wills marriage licences playing cards dice almanacs?

the stamp act of 1765 placed tax on things such as legal documents, playing cards, and dice

Which British legal tradition was followed in the United States?

Women were not allowed to hold property

What was the first direct tax Britain placed on the colonists?

the stamp act of 1765, which required payment of a tax on legal documents and newspapers.

Legal documents that allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods were called what?

Writs of Assistance

Which act placed a tax on newspapers almanacs pamphlets playing cards dice and legal documents?

The Stamp Act of 1765 imposed taxes on newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, playing cards, dice, and various legal documents in the American colonies. This act required these items to carry a stamp purchased with British currency, leading to widespread protests and ultimately contributing to the start of the American Revolution.

What required colonist to attach tax stamps to newspapers and legal documents?

The Stamp Act of 1765 required colonists to attach tax stamps to newspapers and legal documents in order to raise revenue for the British government and to help cover the costs of maintaining British troops in the American colonies.

What did the stamp acts place taxes on?

it placed taxes on colonial newspapers, playing cards, and legal documents. In England, this type of tax was common. :)

What to do about some one WHO wants money for my LEGAL documents that they have?

What to do about someone who demanding money for my legal documents

Where do I find advance directive legal documents?

They have them all here advance directive legal documents

How to say legal documents in Italian?

Documenti legali or Documentazione legale. Where are the legal documents -> Dov'è la documentazione legale Where are the legal documents -> Dove sono i documenti legali

Is it legal to shred documents that do not belong to you?

Well, that depends on what kind of documents they are. If they are documents that someone else might need, or documents that prove your guilt in a case in court, then no, it is not legal to do so.

What is the difference between a solicitor and a commercial solicitor?

Solicitors are British lawyers who prepare legal documents and give legal advice. A commercial solicitor handles legal issues regarding businesses. This can cover tax, labor and business law.