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PHP will work the same in all modern browsers, since it is a server-side script (meaning the code is executed on the server, rather than the user's computer).

HTML is slightly different as it is executed on the user's machine by the browser, and some browsers handle HTML differently. Some slightly older (and very old) browsers don't understand some HTML tags at all!

So in the case for HTML, the latest version of Chrome or Firefox would be your best option as both of these browsers support many or all HTML5 (the latest version of HTML) tags.

They also have developer tools so you can inspect your client-side code (HTML, JS, CSS, but not PHP) which might help you find out why something has gone wrong.

However, when developing don't forget that your audience might not be using the latest browser like you are, so they might get different results when they go onto your website! It's a good idea to have different browsers (and if possible, different versions of those browsers) on your machine to test your code in to make sure you get the same results every time.

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Q: Which browser is best for HTML and PHP developers?
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Why you do not see any PHP code when you view the source code of a PHP page in the browser?

PHP is server-side, the browser itself does not interpret it. Rather, the browser sends a query to the server, and the PHP scripting generates custom HTML document. It is this HTML that you are seeing the source code of.

Why can a CSS sheet fail to work properly after converting a web page from HTML to PHP?

AnswerThe web browser cannot tell whether the page information arriving at the browser comes from a PHP source or an HTML source. So if the HTML version works and the PHP version CSS is broken you have translated the page incorrectly. Examine the page source from the browser window for both versions and compare them closely. The PHP version must reference the CSS file correctly in the header. Check that in particular. :]

What are the various ways to embedded PHP in HTML coding?

there are in fact two basic methods - one is called minimal PHP, and the second tends to be referred to as the CGI-way. minimal php means that you're making php secions in HTML only where really necessary (using the php section begin (<?php ) and end (?> ) tags.). the CGI-way, or maximum PHP means, that you're in fact embedding HTML into strings in php, and the whole page is echo()ed. the second way tends to be viewed as an abuse of php by some people, as php was meant to be "templating" language, and designed to be used mainly the first way.

Is HTML a language for describing a webpage?

It's one of them. Also, the main one. Others are PHP, ASP, JavaScript, CSS, Ruby On Rails, and Perl

How is PHP code designated in a webpage?

PHP code is never executed by the web browser, and the source code of a PHP file will normally not be sent to the browser at all. In this sense, there is no designation of PHP code on the client's side-- it all appears to be HTML, text, XML, or whatever other type of output you choose to produce. On the server side, PHP scripts are inside of files ending in ".php". Script inside of these PHP files start with . Anything outside of these tags will be sent to the browser as static ("unchanging") output. The code inside the PHP tags start from the top, and are executed sequentially from top to bottom, unless flow control is used to modify the control of the scripts (such as functions, while loops, switch and if constructs, etc).

Related questions

Why you do not see any PHP code when you view the source code of a PHP page in the browser?

PHP is server-side, the browser itself does not interpret it. Rather, the browser sends a query to the server, and the PHP scripting generates custom HTML document. It is this HTML that you are seeing the source code of.

Is there any way to call a PHP script in HTML?

PHP is a server side language, so cannot run within the browser as HTML does. You can however make a call to the PHP page within your HTML (using a form button or anchor link for example), and using Ajax (javascript) make the HTML show the response of the PHP program. The user will not know that the server side PHP program has been executed, as when using Ajax the browser does not load a new page.

What is the importance of a php server?

A browser (firefox, chrome, opera, internet explorer etc) cannot read anything but html. The job of converting php code into html code is handled by a PHP Server (Apache, IIS or others).

Why can a CSS sheet fail to work properly after converting a web page from HTML to PHP?

AnswerThe web browser cannot tell whether the page information arriving at the browser comes from a PHP source or an HTML source. So if the HTML version works and the PHP version CSS is broken you have translated the page incorrectly. Examine the page source from the browser window for both versions and compare them closely. The PHP version must reference the CSS file correctly in the header. Check that in particular. :]

How do you put HTML in PHP?

Its done exactly the same as when you put it in an HTML file. There are 2 ways you can do it: <html> <?php // php stuff ?> </html> Or you can do it like this: <?php echo "<html>"; // php stuff echo "</html>"; ?>

Is the final output of PHP is in HTML?

Yes. For every web based programming language the final output is browser readable html text

How do you use PHP in HTML?

You can't use PHP in an HTML document, but you can use HTML in PHP script.

Can safari open php files?

PHP is processed on the server side, not the browser side. This means that any browser (including Safari), never actually opens a PHP file (unless it's loaded locally rather than served from the web, in which case it would be read as a plain text file). Instead, it receives the output from the server that contains the PHP file. For example, if you have a PHP file that reads like this: <?php echo "<html>\n<body>\nI am the lizard queen!\n</body>\n</html>"; ?> Safari would actually see it as plain HTML, like this: <html> <body> I am the lizard queen! </body> </html> It would never actually see the PHP code itself.

Is it possible to put php in an onclick HTML event?

No. PHP runs on the server. It receives a http request from the web server, and sends output (typically as html) to the browser. Any code in an onclick event would be handled by javascript. To send data back to the webserver (and PHP) you can make a synchronous request (AJAX) from an onclick, or any other browser event.

How do you know that your browser supports php?

Browser's are not involved in a PHP script's execution. Therefore, no browser supports it natively. PHP is a server side language. The actual web server executes the code in a PHP script. These scripts then produce an output (normally an HTML variant) and that is sent along to the user. This is also true of ASP and JSP, as well as other "back end" web languages.

Is a cookie is a special HTML page?

No, a cookie is a temporary note that websites can place(not by HTML but with PHP) that tells the Web Browser to do something when that web page is called upon.

I have a HTML website I want to use a php script I have but the main php file has the info in it and I want it to be on the HTML site how can I embed or use the php code without using frames?

change the extention of the .HTML file to .php and then open the file that was previously HTML and put <?php include ("path/to/second/php/file.php"); ?> so for example if i have page1.HTML and page2.php i rename page1.HTML to page1.php and then put <?php include ("page2.php"); ?> where i want page2 to appear. Note: Any HTML file can be renamed to have a .php extention even if it doesnt contain any PHP.