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Q: Which bugs have wings but no antennae?
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Related questions

How do bugs move away from things?

It is through the use of antennae, legs, and/or wings that bugs move away from things. Antennae project from the first body segment -- the head -- to provide sensory information about escape routes, food sources, natural enemies, physical objects, and resting places. Legs and wings supply the physical means by which the bugs in question bring about their movements away or toward things.

Does lightning bugs have antennae?

Yes they do.

How do milkweed bugs get info about their environment?

Milkweed bugs use their antennae to feel their environment. All insects have antennae and use them in much the same way.

Do insects have 2 pars of antennae?

They usually have a pair of antennae, though different insects have many different types. Source: wikipedia page on Insect_morphology#Antennae

What 3 parts does monarch butterfly has?

antennae wings and body

Does arachnids arthropods have no antennae?

Correct, arachnids have no wings or antennae. However, some have forward limbs or appendages with sensory functions which might be said to act like antennae.

Why do bugs have antennae?

to feel or see things

What are examples of garden-dwelling bugs?

Aphids, cicadas, leaf-hoppers, plant-hoppers, and shield bugs are examples of garden-dwelling bugs. A bug taxonomically must be a member of the Hemiptera insect order which is identifiable by the possession of two five-segmented antennae, hardened upper set of wings, and piercing/sipping mouthparts.

The species of which of these groups show neither wings nor antennae?


Does bed bug have wings like roaches?

No , bed bugs lack wings and are incapable of flight .

Does a lightning bugs have wings?


What are 5 physical features of a butterfly?

Wings, a pair of antennae, proboscis, legs and the abdomen.