

Which burns more fat a lean muscle or bulk muscle?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Answer There's no such thing. Muscle is muscle. There are no "lean" muscles or "bulky"muscles. Some people have a greater muscle mass, some have less muscle mass- but that mass is muscle. A pound of muscle is going to require energy to stay around. If you have a greater muscle mass, you'll have a greater metabolism.

He's right you know. This is really splitting hairs!

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9y ago
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Q: Which burns more fat a lean muscle or bulk muscle?
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Can weightlifting increase your metabolism?

Yes. Weightlifting can increase the amount of lean muscle mass you have. The more lean muscle mass you have, the greater your metabolic rate. A pound of muscle burns many times more calories over the course of a day than a pound of fatty tissue. So weightlifting is of great benefit when it comes to being leaner and carrying less fatty tissue. .

Do muscle burns fat?

The more muscle you build, the more your metabolism speeds up. Therefore, if you have more muscle, you burn more fat.

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Focusing on cardio excercises that strengthens your heart will help to build lean muscle and have a healthier, longer life. The lean muscle weighs more than fat, but provides a toned physique.

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Muscle women have similar attributes to average everyday women. They just have more bulk on their muscles than the average woman and are more toned. Some of these women have even more bulk then a lot of men do.

Does an increase in muscle mass increase your metabolism?

Yes, an increase in muscle mass usually does mean that your metabolism will be higher--if you remain lean without starving yourself. Consider Sumo Wrestlers who have quite a bit of lean body weight but they also have a lot of adipose tissue as well (fat). In that case I don't think their metabolism is significantly higher. I always try to keep in mind that my muscles ARE my metabolism.

Can lean muscle punch faster than bulky muscle?

i would think so. but bulky def. hurts more. i compare it like a car. torque=lean horsepower=bulky

Do having more muscles help with weight loss?

Yes. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have the more calories you bring as you exercise.

What do you do if exercise has made your stomach bulky?

work on " lean muscle ". more repetitions- less weight.

Is steak tissue or muscle or what is it?

The lean portion of steak is muscle, but there is also fat and connective tissue. They are all types of "tissue", which is a more generic term.

How do you build lean muscle with out losing weight?

Protein is an important factor in gaining muscle. Eating more protein and drinking protein shakes will help you build lean muscle without losing weight. It is also important to be consistant with the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do.

When your body burns calories more efficiently what happends?

When the body efficiently burns calories, it will also be eliminating fat from the body. This can lead to more muscle growth and weight loss.