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Q: Which came first Macintosh or apple?
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Why apple products starts with a specific word as iMac?

The i stands for Internet and the Mac stand for Macintosh. The Macintosh refers to the Macintosh Apple. Thus the name Apple Macintosh. The founder Steve Jobs worked in an apple orchard as a kid and came up with the name.

Which came first GUIs or the Mouse?

the GUI and the mouse came at the same time, in the Xerox Alto, then the Xerox Star, then the Apple Lisa, then the Macintosh.

When was the apple mac introduced?

The first Apple Macintosh computer was introduced in July 1984.

Who released the first apple Macintosh?


When apple mac invented?

The first Apple Macintosh was released in 1984.

When did Apple Inc. manufacture the first Apple Mac?

Apple's first Macintosh computer appeared in 1984.

Why is a apple called a apple?

Macintosh is the first name of apple so hay sooted it to apple because Macintosh is a type of apples lol I think it's funny

What year was the Macintosh computer released?

The Apple Macintosh computer first appeared in 1984.

What computer was introduced in the 1984 Super Bowl ads?

The revolutionary product first introduced during the 1984 Super Bowl was the first personal computer for the Apple Macintosh.

When did the apple computer come out?

No, it was the 5th Apple computer. 1. Apple 1 2. Apple 2 3. Apple 3 4. Lisa 5. Macintosh

What was the first apple mac invented?

The Macintosh 128k.

What is symbolised by the iMac logo?

I assume you're referring to the Apple logo. If so, Steve Jobs worked in a apple orchard as a kid. This is where he came up with the name Macintosh referring to the Macintosh Apple. He therefore used the Apple logo for his computers. The I in iMac stands for Internet and the Mac Stands for Macintosh.