

Which came first Hinduism or christianity?

Updated: 7/27/2021
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Rollin Wiegand

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4y ago

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The original Hindu scriptures were written prior to Christian scripture, although there are significant changes to the modern-day forms of Indian religion. Hinduism can be dated back to 2000 B.C. making it one of the longest-surviving religions. Christianity was established following the death of Christ. The oldest book in the New Testament is said to be dated from about 20 A.D.

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Audie Beatty

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The original Hindu scriptures were written prior to Christian scripture, although there are significant changes to the modern-day forms of Indian religion. Hinduism can be dated back to 2000 B.C. making it one of the longest-surviving religions. Christianity was established following the death of Christ. The oldest book in the New Testament is said to be dated from about 20 A.D.

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