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John Breckengrege got second in electoral collage but Stephen Douglas got 2nd in popular vote

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Q: Which candidate ran the best race against Abraham Lincoln in the Electoral College?
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How many electoral votes did the person running against Abraham Lincoln get?

Abraham Lincoln, Republican, Illinois, 1,865,908 votes, 180 electoral college votes. John C. Breckinridge, Southern Democratic, Kentucky, 848,019 votes, 72 electoral college votes. John Bell, Constitutional Union/Whig, Tennessee, 590,901 votes, 39 electoral college votes. Stephen A. Douglas, Northern Democratic, Illinois, 1,380,202 votes, 12 electoral college votes.

Who was the Democratic Party president candidate in 1864 election?

Republican Party candidate incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate George McClellan. In the 1864 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 212 electoral votes and George McClellan received 21 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 2,218,388 and McClellan 1,812,807.

What political party they joined for election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election. Opposition to Lincoln was divided with 3 candidates challenging him. Lincoln won 39.8% of the popular vote and defeated John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas. In the 1860 presidential election Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln received 180 electoral votes (59.4%), Southern Democratic candidate John Breckinridge from Kentucky received 72 electoral votes, Constitutional Party candidate John Bell from Tennessee received 39 electoral votes, and Northern Democratic candidate Stephen Douglas from Illinois received 12 electoral votes. Lincoln received his electoral votes from 18 of the 33 states. He did not receive electoral votes from any southern state. Lincoln was not on the ballot in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

Who was the Republican Party candidate for president in the Election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln was the winning Republican candidate for president in 1860.

Did Abraham Lincoln receive a majorty of the popular votes?

No. He received about 39% in a four way race. He did, however, receive a majority in the Electoral College.

Was Lincoln elected by popular vote or the electoral college?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge. In the 1860 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 180 electoral votes (59.4%), John Breckinridge received 72 electoral votes, John Bell received 39 electoral votes, and Stephen Douglas received 12 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 1,865,908 (39.8%), Breckinridge 848,019 (18.1%), Bell 590,901 (12.6%), and Douglas 1,380,202 (29.5%).

Was Abraham Lincoln a Republican Party candidate?


What is the republican presidential candidate of of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln.

How many votes did Johnson get in 1860?

Andrew Johnson was not a candidate for office in 1860. He was serving in the U.S. Senate representing Tennessee. He was elected to the Senate in 1857. Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election. Hannibal Hamlin was Lincoln's vice-president running mate in 1860. Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's vice-president running mate in 1864. Republican Party candidate incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate George McClellan. In the 1864 presidential election Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson received 212 electoral votes. George McClellan received 21 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln/Johnson 2,218,388 and McClellan 1,812,807.

How many electoral votes did Breckenridge's get?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas. In the 1860 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 180 electoral votes (59.4), John Breckinridge received 72 electoral votes, John Bell received 39 electoral votes, and Stephen Douglas received 12 electoral votes.

Who won the election of 1860 with 180 electoral votes?

Abraham Lincoln

Who did the Republicans nominate as their 1860 presidential candidate?

Abraham Lincoln