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Q: Which case has the U.S. dollar weakened?
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What is correct 'a US dollar' or 'an US dollar'?

a us dollar

What was weakened by the outcome of the Vietnam war?

The popular support for Cold War theories was weakened by the outcome of the Vietnam war. It had also weakened the moral of the US military.

What case has severely weakened affirmative action programs?

Hopwwod v. Texas

What dollar amount must be probated?

There is no exact dollar amount that must be probated. The dollar amount will vary from case to case with the IRS.

What is the US dollar to the Canadian dollar?

1 US dollar is equal to .9843 Canadian dollar.

How does the US support the price of the dollar?

The only way for the United States to support the price of the dollar is to buy up excess dollars with foreign reserves--in our case, with Japanese yen.

Why was the attack of Pearl Harbor so harmful to the us?

It weakened US Naval strength in the Pacific.

How many cents are equal to US Dollar?

100 cents of US dollar is equal to 1 US dollar, easy as that.

All vaccines are produced from killed or weakened?

All vaccines are produced by weakened or killed germs. That is why when someone gets a flue shot, they sometimes feel like they have a slight case of the flue.

What foreign currency does the US buy to support the dollar?

The only way for the United States to support the price of the dollar is to buy up excess dollars with foreign reserves--in our case, with Japanese yen.

When will the US dollar collapse?

It does not tell when the US dollar will collapse. A dollar collapse is when the dollar goes down really quick.

The national currency of US?

The currency of the United States is the US Dollar