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Q: Which cases did the plaintiff lose?
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What do plaintiff law firms do?

They represent the plaintiff in civil cases against the defendant/respondant.

What happens if a Plaintiff of a Lawsuit refuses a motion for discovery?

They lose

What types of cases is the state always the plaintiff?

criminal prosecutions

Who were the plaintif and the defendent?

In civil and tort cases, the "complaining" party is referred to as the PLAINTIFF. In criminal cases the plaintiff's place is taken by the PROSECUTION. In both civil and criminal cases the DEFENDANT is the person, or party, against whom the case is being brought.

How are criminal cases won?

If the prosecution can prove beyond all doubt that the plaintiff committed the crime - the prosecution wins the case, and the plaintiff (now a criminal) is sentenced. If the defence proves that the plaintiff could not have committed the crime - the defence wins and the plaintiff is free to go.

What role is always played by the government in criminal cases?


Is plaintiff's testimony sufficient to establish a prima facie case?

In some cases yes

Who bring civil law cases to court?

The "Plaintiff" brings a civil suit by filing a complaint, hence the word plaintiff or sometimes "complainant."

Does a medical lien come out of the plaintiff's settlement?

I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY!!! However, I do work on personal injury cases quite a bit. I know in Massachusetts, medical liens come out of the plaintiff's settlement.

Who is responsible for delivering a summons?

This is usually the responsibility of the plaintiff, or in some cases an officer of the court may do it.

What is the court's job in civil cases?

To provide a place to resolve the differences between the plaintiff and the defendant.

Do plaintiff's usually get the defend to pay their attorney fees?

No. Attorney's fees are only awarded in certain cases.