

Which cat food has heart shaped pieces?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Quite a few of them do. Purina One does, for instance, and I've seen a few others with heart-shaped kibbles as well.

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carol guthrie

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2y ago

Meow nix grain free. But it is discontinued.

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Cats are meat eaters, plain and simple. They have to have protein from meat for a strong heart, good vision, and a healthy reproductive system. Cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of lean deli meats are a great way to give them that. Raw or spoiled meat could make your cat sick.

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yes they have it every nightI think these cats can drink chicken soup. Because one day i had no food for my cat and i was setting out some pieces of chicken from our chicken soup. Instead of eating that. She put her head into the pot and started drinking but soup has lots of salt in it and your cat can possibly have a heart attack! but no i wouldn't let ur cat drink/eat chicken noodle soup! very bad things cats mostly like cheese and milk and CAT FOOD!

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You could cut up little pieces of tuna for them. They even have these little cat treats in pet stores and I sometimes give my cat those.

Can a cat after 4 years of eating dry food switch to wet food?

Of course you can switch foods! However, it may take a bit of time for a cat to get used to eating wet food as the flavourings and fats that are sprayed on to kibble pieces can become rather addictive (although they offer no nutrition to the cat). Be sure to make the change slowly, gradually changing the food over time.

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There are several different places where someone can purchase bedroom slippers that are shaped like a cat. Stores such as Walmart, Target, and Kmart all sell slippers and some that are shaped like a cat.

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what does cat like ( to eat)? well i asked the vet he told me you should give them first their orignal food then you he said that you should change the food somtimes not leave it the same you can give the cat small pieces of chicken (but not with spices) or tuna. cats really love eating tuna ( most of cats ) i did what the vet said to my cat the cat was 100% happy and healthy.