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You could cut up little pieces of tuna for them. They even have these little cat treats in pet stores and I sometimes give my cat those.

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Q: What are snacks that you can give to your cats instead of cat food that is still healthy for them once in a while?
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Eat snacks that you Enjoy but are healthy at the same time. Also keep your self busy and mind of food !

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The Special K diet like all diets can work with self control. You still need to eat healthy and well portioned meals and snacks while on the Special K diet.

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You eat healthy and play a school sport

What are some tasty foods you can eat while on a healthy weight loss diet?

Some tasty foods that you can eat while dieting ina healthy manner are some fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Also try some 100 calorie snacks from Nabisco.

What healthy snacks are recommended?

Recommended healthy snacks:Check out the link. Save yourself time, to do the calory math on every ingredient, while creating snacks.These recipes are easy and quickly to make, and are suitible for children, aswell as adults on a diet.

What are the best healthy school snacks?

The best health school snack would probably be something whole grain, or something that contains fiber. Fiber will fill your child up, while helping them maintain a healthy bowel system.

The Best Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss?

The best healthy snacks for weight loss are those that include a combination of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and a little healthy fat. A handful of almonds and raisins provide the perfect ratio of these components. The almonds provide protein, fiber and healthy unsaturated fat, while the raisins give you some energy-sustaining carbohydrates and another dose of fiber. As an alternative, you could snack on slices of apple with a thin layer of peanut butter spread over each slice or a pear served with an ounce of high-quality low-fat cheese. All of these snacks fill you up without piling on calories.

What kind of snack would you bring for a track meet?

Healthy stuff like bananas, water, fruit snacks are ok every once in a while. Apples really any kind of healthy fruit so they can be up and pumping to run for the track meet.

An example of a behavior modification technique for weight control is to?

There are many ways to use behavior modification for weight control. One way is to control your home environment. Do not eat while watching TV or talking on the phone, only while sitting down at the table. Do not buy tempting foods, and have low-calorie and healthy foods ready to eat. You should also control your work environment. Do not eat at your desk, bring healthy snacks with you, and go for a walk instead of snacking on breaks. Also, try to keep a positive and healthy attitude, and remember to exercise!

Will feeding your horse sugary snacks give him cavities?

A sugar treat once in a while is ok for a horse. Too much of a good thing however will not be healthy for him but it would take a lot of sugar to rot his teeth. Instead of sugar cubes or other snacks with a high sugar content give your horse cut-up apples or pears. Horses are big carrot eaters too. The rule of thumb is "if it's not good for you it probably will not be good for him either".

Is sun chips help you lose weight?

No, they will not. While they are a less unhealthy alternative to other types of chips, they're still not healthy in any way.

What are some healthy snack choices when trying to lose weight?

There are several healthy choices for snacks while trying to lose weight - fruit, nuts and dairy are just a few of the choices. Try going to for more detailed descriptions and assistance in loosing those last few pounds.