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posterior mucsles

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Q: Which category of hip muscles is primarily responsible for hip adduction?
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Related questions

What muscles cause horizontal adduction of the shoulder?

There are four muscles used for horizontal adduction of the shoulder. These muscles are the pectorals major, middle deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and coracobrachilis.

Does adduction require the action of two muscles?

the moving and taking away from your body i.e. adduction is moving your arm towards your body again and abduction is when you move your arm away from you

What muscles involved in shoulder joint adduction act as fixators?

The muscles that perform adduction to the shoulder include the pectoralis major, lattissimus dors, but these are the primary movers. The fixators that do adduction are the subscapularis and teres major.

What are the muscles that perform adduction of the big toe?

Adductor Hallucis

What muscles do you use to smile?

It is primarily the zygomaticus major and risorius muscles that are responsible for a smile, aided in part by the action of the buccinator :)

Muscles that perform retraction at the scapulothoracic joint?

Muscles which produce scapular adduction (retraction) Rhomboid MajorRhomboid MinorTrapeziusLatissimus Dorsi

The muscle of mastication control the?

The muscles of mastication control the jaw, specifically its adduction.

Prime mover for shoulder flexion and adduction?

Do you mean flexion and (abd)uction?? If so, the prime mover would be the deltoid muscle with many smaller muscles assisting. If you are in fact meaning flexion and adduction, the prime mover would be the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi with many smaller muscles assisting.

Are muscles responsible for movement?

Yea muscles are responsible for movement

Which motion are the hamstring muscles responsible for?

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What muscles do you use when whistling?

You primarily use the buccinator and orbicularis oris muscles

What muscles are responsible for pupil construction and dilation?

circular muscles