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Q: Which celestial feature is largest in actual size?
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What is the biggest celestial body in volume discovered so far?

That depends on how you define "celestial body". Arguably, the largest "celestial body" thus far discovered (or ever likely to be discovered) is the universe itself. However, let's assume you mean a compact body, i.e. one which is more or less continuous (and thus excludes things like galaxies, globular clusters, and nebulae). The largest star known is VY Canis Majoris, which is roughly the size of the orbit of Saturn. The largest body in the Solar system is, of course, the Sun. Jupiter is second, at about 0.1% the volume of the Sun.

What is a brown dwarf?

A brown dwarf is a celestial object that has a size that is between a star and a giant planet.

What refers to a small celestial object orbiting the Sun and ranging in size from a grain of sand to a boulder?


How do you place the planets in order largest to smallest in terms of their size?

Largest and smallest are both size descriptors so you have to look at their size before putting them in the order of largest to smallest. It's the only way to do it.

What celestial body is the largest in actual size?

In our solar system, the sun. Planetwise, Jupiter.Update:The largest known celestial body is Sloan Great Wall, which is a giant wall of galaxies. The wall measures 1.37 billion light years in length and is located approximately one billion light-years from Earth.As a single object, the red hypergiant star, VY Canis Majoris, is largest. It is between 1800 to 2100 solar radii (its radius is 1800 to 2100 times larger than Sun) and is located in the constellation Canis Major.

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What is the biggest celestial body in volume discovered so far?

That depends on how you define "celestial body". Arguably, the largest "celestial body" thus far discovered (or ever likely to be discovered) is the universe itself. However, let's assume you mean a compact body, i.e. one which is more or less continuous (and thus excludes things like galaxies, globular clusters, and nebulae). The largest star known is VY Canis Majoris, which is roughly the size of the orbit of Saturn. The largest body in the Solar system is, of course, the Sun. Jupiter is second, at about 0.1% the volume of the Sun.

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How does Canada's size compare to the size of the US?

I don't have the actual figures on me but I know that Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world in terms of area. It only loses to Russia, which is the largest country and spans some 9 time zones. US, is third.

When was Actual Size created?

Actual Size was created in 2001.

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