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Q: Which cell in the animal cell correspond the cell part or organelle that contain The genetic material DNA?
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This organelle contain our dna with all our genetic information?

The organelle that contains our DNA with all of our genetic information is the nucleus.

Clones contain the same genetic material?

genetic material

What organelle carries hereditary material?

In those cells that are eukaryotes, the organelle is the nucleus. In those that are not, the genetic material is not found in an organelle but just condensed in the cytoplasm.

Does mitochondira and choloroplasts contain genetic material?

yes both the mitochondria and choloroplasts contain genetic material

What large organelle contains he cells genetic material?

The Nucleus

What is the two organelles that contain their own genetic material?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts. The question asks for organelles with their OWN genetic material. The material from the nucleus already belongs to the cell. Those two evolved from symbiotic prokaryotes and maintain their own DNA.

In what organelle would you find an organisms genetic material?

According to biologists, the nucleus is the organelle in organisms that genetic material can be found because DNA and nucleic acid is stored inside the nucleus.

Does the plant cell or the animal cell contain genetic material?

Both animal and plant cells contain genetic material, DNA.

Why is mitochondria called strange organelle?

it is because it posses its own genetic material

Is the egg the only one who contains genetic material?

Both egg and sperm contain genetic material.

What does The chromosomes in your body each contain?

Your chromosomes contain your genetic material.

What organelle plays an important role in genetics?

Chromosomes contain genetic materials.Chromosomes are in nucleus.