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A Cell Wall

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trace thomas

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Q: Which cell structure carries out a function for a cell that is the similar to the function that bark carries out for a tree?
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If the bark is stripped off a tree the tree will?

it will diebecause it carries food in the bark

What function does bark perform?

The function of the tree bark is to protect the interior tissues of the tree from physical threats like snow,hail and rain.

How are the young and adult dogs similar?

They bark.

What does the Phloem of a leaf do?

transports sugars

What type of sound is similar to a dogs bark?

Kinda like well just like the word BARK (bar-kah)

Trees die if a ring of bark is removed why?

Removing a ring of bark interrupts the flow of nutrients and water from the roots to the leaves, leading to a lack of essential resources for the tree's survival. This disruption hinders the tree's ability to photosynthesize and produce energy, eventually causing its death. Additionally, the removal of bark can expose the tree to infections, pests, and environmental stresses, further weakening and ultimately killing the tree.

Example of plants with protective structure?

thorns,spike,bark. sorry but that is my only answer

What has the author Hiroki Nanko written?

Hiroki Nanko has written: 'Bark structure of hardwoods grown on southern pine sites' -- subject(s): Bark, Hardwoods

Does a dog's bark echo?

Yes if it is barking into a cliff face or auditorium or a similar area

Why do trees die if too much of their bark is stripped off?

The bark serves as the only protection between the elements and the tree's Cambrian layer. The Cambrian layer is the tree's version of our own blood vessels; it carries the nutrients from the roots to the rest of the tree. With no bark, the layer can freeze, be ripped, or most commonly, dry out.

What might occur in moth population if the color of the tree bark returned to its natural color?

Those whose color was similar to that of the color of the bark would be more likely to survive because of their new camoflauge. They are more likely to survive because of hiding from predators, and the population will swing back towards the camoflauge similar to the bark of the tree (natural selection)