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Q: Which cells do not have a well-defined nucleus have a thick cell wall and ribosomes?
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How the nucleus adapted to its function?

how are cells adapted? sperm cells white blood cells red blood cells pollen cells leaf cells Cells may adapt gradually through evolution or more rapidly through specialization.

Is needed to transport oxygen in red blood cells?

It is either nucleus, haemoglobin, thick outer cell wall or microvilli.

How does a bacteria cell and a mammal cell compare in their chemical composition?

Bacteria cells differ from mammal cells because they have no nucleus and have genetic material which is stringy and thick found in cytoplasm

Is cytoplasm in a plant or animal cells?

Cytoplasm is found in both animal and plant cells."The cytoplasm is a thick liquid residing between the cell membrane holding organelles, except for the nucleus." - See related linkProkayote organisms (those which lack a nucleus) - all the contents of the cell are contained within the cytoplasm.Eukatyote organisms (those with a nucleus) - the contents of the cell nucleus are separated from the cytoplasm. The contents of the nucleus are contained within nucleoplasm.

Where is the location of bacterial cells in plant and animal cells?

While a bacterial cell does have a cell wall and a cell membrane, it does not contain a nucleus. The bacterial cell's genetic material, which looks like a thick, tangled string, is found in the cytoplasm.

What is the job for the cytoplasm?

The cytoplasm is a thick, clear liquid in which the cell's organelles float. All the contents of the cells of prokaryote organisms (which lack a cell nucleus) are contained within the cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells the contents of the cell nucleus are separated from the cytoplasm. It is within the cytoplasm that most cellular activities occur, such as many metabolic pathways including glycolysis, and processes such as cell division.

Why does plant cells have a thick wall surrounding it?

the thick walls keep the cells organelles inside of the cell

What structures are in a lettuce cell?

are characterized by thick cell walls and dense cytoplasm which contains numerous protein bodies. Other organelles such as nucleus, mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes are typical of plant cells

What are some similarities between plants cells and animal cells?

Animal cells and plant cells have everything in common except for chloroplasts and chlorophyll. As well as cell walls. All of these are found in plant cells. During photosynthesis the chloroplasts and chlorophyll will take energy from the sun in order to make ATP energy. Which is then converted into STARCH, Glucose, or can be stored in the mitochondria of the cell. Cell walls have the effect of the immune system in the human or animal body. Plants need these because they simply do not have the full protection of the human body.Animal and plant cells are the same because they both cell walls------------------------------------------------------------- this is incorrect only plant cells have cell walls, a thick outer wall that protects the cell and supports the plant. not animal cells, animal cells have cell membranes, an outer wall not as strong as a cell wall. also they both have vacuoles, vacuoles are like a large storage bin. also both have ribosomes. ribosomes are the food the cell makes. look at it this way...RIBosomes Ribs are food ribosomes are food for the cell.

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How many cells thick is moss?

the leaf of the moss is one cell thick..