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The Honeybee and cockroach both are

members of the phylum Arthropoda. Arthropods are characterized by having a segmented body with jointed legs and a hard exoskeleton. This phylum is larger than all other phyla combined.

thus the main characteristic is their joined appendages and segmented bodies or presence of exoskeleton.

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Q: Which character can assign honeybee and the cockroach to the same phylum?
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What phylum does cockroach belong?

Cockroaches belong to the phylum Arthropoda.

Which phylum does a cockroach belong to?

Cockroaches are insects in the Phylum Arthropoda.

What phylum does the cockroach belong?

Arthropoda .

What is the phylum class order family genus species fo the cockroach?

* Kingdom - Animalia * Phylum - Arthropoda * Class - Insecta * Subclass - Pterygota * Infraclass - Neoptera * Superorder - Dichotera * Order - Blattaria * Species - over 4000 species of cockroach exist.

Is cockroach a mammals?

No. To be considered a mammal, an organism must be in the Class Mammalia. Cockroaches are not even in the same Phylum as Mammals. They are in the Phylum Arthropod and Mammals are in the Phylum Chordata.

What is taxonomy of cockroach?

Cockroaches are a type of insect of the Order Blattodea. There are four cockroach species (out of 4,500) commonly known as pests: German Cockroach, Blattela germanica, American Cockroach, Pariplaneta americana, Australian Cockroach, Pariplaneta australasiae, and Oriental Cockroach, Blatta orientalis.

What phylum is represented by the character peach in the movie finding nemo?

Peach is a starfish, which is in the phylum "Echinodermata"

Is a cockroach an arthropod?

Yes, it is classified as an insect.Yes, it is classified as an insect.Yes, it is classified as an insect.Yes, it is classified as an insect.Yes, it is classified as an insect.Yes, it is classified as an insect.

What is the taxonomy of cockroach?

It depends on which species your talking about, some of the more common are: German Cockroach: Blattella germanica South American/Peruvian Dubia cockroach: Blaptica dubia Oriental cockroach: Blatta orientalis Asian cockroach: Blattella asahinai true death's head cockroach: Blaberus craniifer discoid or false death's head cockroach: Blaberus discoidalis Florida woods cockroach: Eurycotis floridana Madagascar hissing cockroach: Gromphadorhina portentosa Bark cockroach: Laxta granicollis Pennsylvania woods cockroach: Parcoblatta pennsylvanica American cockroach: Periplaneta americana Australian cockroach: Periplaneta australasiae black Mississippi cockroach: Periplaneta brunnea smokybrown cockroach: Periplaneta fuliginosa Surinam cockroach: Pycnoscelus surinamenisis brown-banded cockroach: Supella longipalpa

What is the classification of the honeybee?

A member of the Apis genus in the Apini tribe of the Apinae subfamily in the Apidae family of the Hymenoptera order in the Insecta class of the Arthropoda phylum in the Animalia kingdom is the classification of the honeybee. The arthropod classification puts the honeybee genus into one of three subgenera and one of eight species. Apis nearctica represents an extinct species whereas A. andreniformis and A. florea, A. dorsata, and A. cerana, A. koschevnikovi, A. mellifera and A. nigrocincta respectively fit into the subgenera Micrapis, Megapis and Apis.

What is filicinophyta?

Ferns have traditionally been grouped in the Class Filices, but modern classifications assign them their own phylum or division in the plant kingdom, called Pteridophyta, also known as Filicophyta.

What is the scientific name of the Sand Cockroach?

The scientific name of the flying cockroach is Blattella asahinai. The Asian cockroach is better-known as the flying cockroach because of the long, narrow wings that allow it to fly. It was first found in the United States in the Lakeland, Florida area in 1986.