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Some character traits revealed in the protagonist of Ayn Rand's "Anthem" include individualism, curiosity, and a desire for freedom. The character challenges societal norms and seeks to understand the world beyond the constraints imposed by the society he lives in.

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Q: Which character traits are revealed in this brief description- Ayn Rand anthem?
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How are character traits revealed?

Character traits are revealed by the actions and description of the character.

Reread the account of Liberty 5-3000 of Anthem on page 38 What character traits are revealed in this brief description?

The character traits revealed about Liberty 5-300 on page 38, is that Liberty 5-3000 keeps to herself, is quiet, peaceful, and she doesn't complain that much about what she is doing and/or what she has to do.

What character traits are revealed on page 38 of anthem?

On page 38 of "Anthem," the character traits of individualism, curiosity, and defiance are revealed. The protagonist's inner thoughts reflect a desire for self-discovery and a rebellious spirit against the society's collectivist norms.

What is caracterization?

Characterization refers to the process of developing and describing a character in a story, including their traits, motivations, and personality. This can be achieved through the character's actions, dialogue, thoughts, and interactions with other characters in the narrative. Effective characterization helps bring characters to life and make them believable to the audience.

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A character description is when you describe a person's peronality and physical traits. EG. his baby-blue eyes stared as he kindly passed the photo-album along.

3. identify the foil for each of the three main characters then choose one of these foils and explain how the character brings out the personality traits of the protagonist be specific about those traits and how they are revealed?

The protagonist is the positive role in the story. So basically just say the foils and then add how the traits were revealed.

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The author is using direct characterization in this passage to reveal the character's traits through explicit description or commentary.

Is this description of the dog direct or indirect characterization?

Indirect. The narrator uses words and thoughts to reveal character traits of the dog.

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pseudoscience which involves the measurement of bumps on the skull to predict mental traits. ...that supposedly revealed information about a person's character and tendencies.

What character traits does sugar have?

Since sugar is not a person, it does not have character traits.

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His character traits include determination, will, and kindness.

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