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One characteristic that most people consider necessary to become an independent member of society is self-reliance. Being self-reliant means being able to take care of oneself, make decisions, and solve problems without depending on others for assistance. This trait is valuable in navigating the various challenges of everyday life and achieving personal growth and success.

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Q: Which characteristic do most people consider necessary to become an independent member of society?
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What is socially independent?

Independent social audits

Is Madison right are governments really necessary how would your life be different if no government existed?

Governments are necessary to maintain law and order in society, provide essential services, and protect citizens' rights. Without government, there would likely be chaos, lack of infrastructure, and potential for exploitation by individuals or groups with power. Our lives would be drastically changed as there would be no regulations, public services, or system of justice to rely upon.

Do special interests have to be compromised or sacrificed in order to pursue the more general welfare of society?

Balancing special interests with the broader welfare of society often requires compromise. It involves finding solutions that address the needs of various groups while considering the overall well-being of society. Sacrifices may be necessary at times to achieve a more equitable and sustainable outcome.

Why is civil society important to democracy?

Civil society allows coordination of interests to maintain free flow of information, discussion, and association. These elements are an essential part of the political freedom necessary to allow a democracy to exist by holding the government accountable to the people and not vice-versa.

Is government necessary to keep order and guarantee freedom?

Yes, government plays a crucial role in maintaining order and ensuring the protection of individual freedoms through laws and regulations. Without government, there is a risk of chaos and infringement on people's liberties. A balance between government intervention and personal freedom is key to a functioning society.