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the size of its claws

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Q: Which characteristic supports the hypothesis that this animal spends a great deal of time burrowing through the soil?
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What does the word hypothesis mean in ict?

A hypothesis is just a proposed outcome of an action and it needs further proof through experiment before it is considered to be a fact. There are multiple possible outcomes if a hypothesis is tested.

Expansion and contraction of the rock material through which a wave passes is a characteristic of?

Expansion and contraction of rock material through which a wave passes is a characteristic of seismic waves generated during an earthquake. These waves cause the ground to shake as they travel through the Earth, creating various types of seismic effects.

What is the Gaia Hypothesis?

The Gaia hypothesis, thought of by scientist James Lovelock in the 1960s, is a preposition that the Earth behaves like a living organism. This is through interactions of the biosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. It suggested that the Earth is capable of responding to changes in its environment like a living cell.

A prediction that can be tested is a?

prediction that can be tested is a statement about a future event or outcome that can be confirmed or refuted through observation or experimentation. It should be clear, specific, and measurable so that its accuracy can be assessed objectively. Testing a prediction helps to evaluate the validity of the underlying hypothesis or theory.

Which characteristic is common to all agents of erosion?

The common characteristic of all agents of erosion is their ability to transport and remove particles or materials from one place to another through processes such as weathering, transportation, and deposition.

Related questions

When does hypothesis become a conclusion?

When data gathered in the research process supports its validity

A scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested in ways that support or reject it?

A scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a set of observations that can be tested through experiments or data collection. If the collected data supports the hypothesis, it is considered valid; if not, the hypothesis is rejected or modified. This process helps scientists understand natural phenomena and develop theories that accurately represent the world.

When would you have to restate your hypothesis?

If, through your experiment, your original hypothesis is falsified.

Annelida how do they Move?

ome burrowing species turn their pharynges inside out to drag themselves through the

Can a hypothesis be proven true?

No. A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on observation. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or refuted through experimentation or more observation. A hypothesis can be disproven, but not proven to be true.

What is a proposed a scientific idea is called?

A proposed scientific idea is called a hypothesis. This is a tentative explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through observations and experiments. If the hypothesis is supported by evidence, it may become a theory in the scientific community.

What is the difference between hypothesis and experimentation?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon, while experimentation involves testing this hypothesis through controlled observations or tests. Hypotheses guide experiments by providing a specific statement that can be tested and potentially supported or rejected through data collection and analysis.

Can hypothesis be supported or rejected by through experimentation?


How is the forming of a hypothesis accomplished?

Through inductive reasoning

How can you explain the process of an idea developing into a theory using the scientific method?

In the scientific method, an idea goes through the process of forming a hypothesis, developing a way to test the hypothesis, conducting research based on a detailed method, analyzing the research data, reporting it to the scientific community if research supports the hypothesis, and others conducting more research. If results consistently support the hypothesis, the hypothesis becomes a theory.

Is the big bang a theory or a hypothesis?

A theory because a hypothesis is a plan that you had to think through to answer a question not to predict the big bang.

What makes a hypothesis able to be tested?

A hypothesis is a question or a statement that you must prove or disprove through an experiment. Whether or not something can be tested by an experiment determines whether or not you can form a hypothesis.