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The basic conflict in this story is Maggie's knowledge of every day things and her intention to use them for their purposes, and her sister (Dee), who considers herself more worldly and educated and who thinks these every day things should be hung up and admired as antiques.

Maggie is not stupid, but she is scarred from a housefire, and her confidence is lacking. She is a humble, loving, and simple person who adores her mother and just wants to live. She knows how to sew, quilt, and make butter like her mother and grandmother.

Her sister is lovely, has gone off to school, treats both Maggie and her mother as beneath her...almost embarrassing because of their simple and backward ways. She is arrogant, not used to being told "no," and suddenly aware of her African roots as she indicates in her dress and her boyfriend who has adopted an African name than no one can pronounce.

Maggie is quiet and is used to giving in to her sister. When her sister insists on the quilts that her mother has already promised to give Maggie as a wedding gift, Maggie slams the kitchen door to show her anger. She does finally come back into the house resigned to give her sister her wedding quilts. However, Mother finally stands up to Dee and tells her she can not take Maggie's quilts.

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1mo ago

In "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, the characters in conflict are Dee and her mother, Mrs. Johnson. They have differing views on heritage and their relationship is strained by Dee's desire to appropriate her family's cultural artifacts without understanding their true significance to her mother.

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Maggie is the shy daughter of Mrs. Johnson in the story Everyday Use.

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The central conflict in "Everyday Use" revolves around the differing perspectives on the value of heritage and culture. Dee's desire to display her heritage through artifacts clashes with Mama and Maggie's understanding of heritage as a lived experience passed down through everyday objects and traditions. This conflict highlights the tension between preserving and commodifying cultural identity.

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Symbols (apex)

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The story Everyday Use by Alice Walker was written and published in 1973.